Perpetual Praise Fellowship was founded by Pastor Garry Murray, an ordained minister in the Church of God, based out of Cleveland, Tennessee, in April 2004. The ministry began with a bible study in the John T Council building on Murchison road in Fayetteville, NC. The initial bible study consisted of Pastor Murray, his wife, and his two sons. After the launch of the bible study the ministry began to grow and soon launched its first official worship service, which began on the first Sunday in April 2004. After having worship services at the John T. Council Building for about 2 years, God opened a door for a larger building in August of 2006 in the Spring Lake community, which is still the present location of the ministry at 854 Chapel Hill Road.
After relocating to Spring Lake, God continues to show Himself faithful by His continuous blessings upon the ministry, and by sending the wonderful congregation of people that we have today. We continue to look forward to the wonderful things that God has in store for the ministry.